Can earthquakes be predicted?

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Thursday, July 27, 2023

Accuracy of my epicenter location hypothesis

 please note yesterday's( 26th July 2023) quake of 6.4 at Vauattu at 12.44 UTC at 168 degree East

Also please note the predicted dare as 17th .July for major (6+) quake.

Now test my epicenter location hypothesis   ...which roughly says....

The epicenter location of a major quake will generally follow this guidelines 

A major (6+) quake can occur at a location where..

1) The Sun or Moon are at Zenith or Nadir with 10 degree longitudes margin 

2) The Sun or Moon are rising or setting at epicenter ..with twilight zone margin. 

 Here at epicenter of quake 6.4 the Moon is seen setting with twilight zone margin

for more pl see



Roger Hunter said...

Amit, you're going about this backward.

You have a theory and are looking for evidence to support it.

What you should be doing is looking at the quakes to decide what theory best explains them.


Roger Hunter said...


Pardon my ignorance here, but if I know that Mars, Venus, and Jupiter are aligned, how do I relate that to an earth location?

As I said, I'm not an astronomer.

Such an alignment would not last very long so timing would be critical.


Roger Hunter said...


Here's an idea; make a list of all the significant alignments in the past 20 years or so.

Then list which ones had a quake, 6.0 or larger.


AMIT said...

Yes please
I have studied hundreds of 6+ quakes to check /verify or even modify what my theory says is correct or not


AMIT said...

If you are looking from Earth and all three or four planets seen nearby,within 3 to5 degrees Earth is in line of conjuction

AMIT said...

Actually I did reverse of this.
Listed out 6+ quakes and cross checked theory.

Roger Hunter said...


but if you list all conjunctions and see which ones have quakes you will find out if chance is involved by the amount of misses.


PS I still can't find the information needed to do this myself.

Roger Hunter said...


my question is whether there can be a conjunction without a quake and if so, how often.

Also can there be a quake without a conjunction and how often.

The goal is to rule out chance.


Roger Hunter said...


You've been discussing the gravitational affect of the moon (and others) on the earth but that's a 2 way street; what's the gravitational effect of the earth on the moon? Moonquakes?


AMIT said...

Yes it is
You can search about Moon quakes
Two reasons given
1)Mateorite shower
2) Earth's Gravitational/tidal pull

Roger Hunter said...


Well, I'm amazed. I am (or was) a seismologist and was sure that there were no moonquakes.

Turns out there are several kinds of quakes and earthtide is one of the causes.

Good thing I retired.


AMIT said...

Moon quakes are due to tidal effect of Earth. Beauty of these quakes are they are deeper and smaller. More deep than deep Earthquake ie 600 to 1000kms.
No Moonquake is due to plate tectonics.
Now you can understand why Earthquakes can not be due to tidal pull?

Roger Hunter said...


I thought we were discussing why earthquakes ARE due to tidal pull.

Now you say they are NOT.

I'm confused.


AMIT said...

I didn't say that.
I think there is some misunderstanding
Read my earlier post
Earthquakes are due to tidal pull

AMIT said...

I am sorry
My mistake
My previous sentence was wrong
Earthquakes are due to tidal pull

Roger Hunter said...


slip of the fingers. no problem.

I still can't get Truebasic to read the quake file.
I posted a question on the site but no answers so far.

The moon can't cause the quake, which requires correct underground conditions.

At best it might trigger quakes that were ready to happen anyway.
Thus, no good for prediction.


Roger Hunter said...


Quakes are not due to tidal pull.

Tidal pull may or may not determine WHEN a quake happens.
The quake may happen before, during, or after tidal pull.
It happens only when it is ready.
The moon may just add the last bit of force needed.


AMIT said...

Tidal pull are main cause and Moon is trigger.
Yes ,if the pull is not on plate boundaries it can occur few hrs earlier or later.but not more than 2 hrs ie 1 degree of Moon

AMIT said...

Tidal pull is main cause and Moon is main trigger
If it is due to stress built up on plate boundaries,how these stress develop in few days at certain locations like Tonga or PNG,where the 6+ quakes are frequent
It is due to tidal pull on a weaker boundaries which gives away frequently

AMIT said...

If the location at which the pull is applicable is not week or plate boundaries,it can wait or pre pone for few hors