Can earthquakes be predicted?

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Saturday, June 10, 2023

Checking my epicenter location hypothesis...Results


One of my friend have asked me test my location hypothesis for latest 100 major quakes (6+) myself
  Today I have checked all 65 major quakes of 6+ from 1st January 2023 against my epicenter location hypothesis .
The detailed list with each result will be published soon.
  However,the gist of outcome /result is as follows

Out of 65 major (6+) quakes...
56 quakes follow the hypothesis
9 are not following Sun /Moon...Zenith/Nadir and rising/setting norms
The detailed result will show ,which other major planets those 9 quakes are following   and why
So percentage accuracy is..86%


Roger Hunter said...


So add those planets and score 100%, or would that cause other errors?


Roger Hunter said...


So, if planets are involved with quakes somehow, is it possible to use the planet positions to predict the quakes?

Wouldn't those positions last long enough to cover the whole earth, making prediction impossible?
