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Monday, November 14, 2022

The Moon Quakes- Due to Tidal effect of Earth on Moon


 Though Moon have no active plate tectonics , Moon quakes do Occur . The maximum magnitude could be 5.7 or so. 

Now How and why do Moon have quakes

The great Seismologist have suggested three reasons

1) Meteor impact

2) Shrinking of planet

3) The tidal effect of Earth on Moon 

Now Moon have some very deep quakes about 100 km .How do the seismologist explain this? 

What makes such quakes

Surprisingly enough , they (seismologist agree and believe that the Earth tidal pull is responsible for moon quakes. The beauty of this is ,they have also noticed maximum moon quake Every 27 to 28 days ., when earth is closest to Moon .

 What a partial acknowledgement of tidal pull teory

Unfortunately , there are no active seismometer on Moon now , otherwise ,they could watch a huge spike in Moon quakes this Month .

In fact ,Earth being bigger and ,when closer to Moon along with other bigger planets closest, could play a havoc on Moon 

wake up USGS


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